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Day One Program

The Breakdown

25 September,  2023


Dignitaries and Partners arrival

Day Two Program

The Breakdown

26 September, 2023

Keynote Address



08:00 – 09:00    Registration Opens

09:10 –09:15     Recitation of the Holy Quran - UAE National Anthem

09:10 – 09:40    Opening Ceremony: Keynote Address

Prospects for strategic partnership between the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Republic of Iraq    

Confirmed Speakers

  • Patronage Speech - His Excellency Abdullah Sultan Al Owais Chairman, Sharjah Chamber of Commerce
  • His Excellency Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Al MazroueiChairman of Federation of UAE Chambers, Abu Dhabi Chambers  
  • His Excellency Mr. Hassan Al HuwaiziChairman of Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  • His Excellency Mr. Abdul Razzaq Al-ZuhairiPresident of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce  
  • His Excellency Mr. Jasem Al Budaiwi, Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
  • His Excellency Dr. Hameed Naim Al-GhaziSecretary-General of the Iraqi Council of Ministers
  • Strategic Partner Speech

09:40 – 10:00     Appreciation Awards to Sponsors

Panel Discussion & Presentation


10:00 - 11:00     Track 1: Presentations

Investment in food security and agriculture

The session will highlight ambitious policy agendas that will create future public-private partnerships and enable investment and innovation in agriculture and food production. Discussions will drive the future of food agenda, while aligning with GCC and Iraqi capabilities.

Suggested Speakers

  • Eng. Saleh Al Shanfari, CEO of Oman Food Investment Holding Company, OMAN
  • Dr. Yasser Al-Jubouri, Director General of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, IRAQ
  • H.E. Dr. Khalifa Musabeh Ahmed Al Teneiji, Chairman of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Sharjaj
  • Representative from FAO
  • Eng. Haidar Al Adary, Agriculture Investor, IRAQ
  • Representative of the World Bank

Suggested Moderator

  • H.E. Mr. Mohammed bin Obaid Al Mazrouei, President of the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development, UAE



Track 2: Presentations & Panel Discussion

Cooperation in Banking, Finance, and Investments  

The session highlights various aspects of financing including project financing through various schemes such as PPPs, risk allocation and project structures as they evolve to mitigate risks. The economists and the banking sector will share their outlook on the economy and exchanges will discuss bullish opportunities in GCC and in Iraq.


Suggested speakers

  • H.E. Wissam Fattouh, Secretary General, Union of Arab Banks
  • Mr. Adel Al-Masoudi, Director General of Relations, Ministry of Commerce, IRAQ
  • Mr. Houssem Ben Haj Amor, Acting Group CEO, Al Baraka Bank, BAHRAIN
  • H.E. Mr. Yazid Abdulaziz Rashed Abunayan, CEO, Al Ahli Bank, KSA
  • Mr. Taha Ahmed Abdulsalam, Chief Executive Officer, Iraq Stock Exchange, IRAQ
  • Representative of Emirates Development Bank


Suggested Moderator

  • Mr. Salem Chalabi, Director General, Trade Bank of Iraq, IRAQ


11:00 – 11:15  Networking & Prayer Break


Panel Discussion

11:15 – 12:15  Panel Discussion    

Building public-private partnerships in Renewable Energy, Electricity & Water    

This session puts a spotlight on the latest project opportunities and advancements in power     projects while addressing the future of alternative energy to deliver more efficient and effective     power systems.


Suggested speakers

  • H.E. Eng. Ahmed Al Ibrahim, CEO of GCC Interconnection Authority, KSA
  • Representative,  Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, KUWAIT  
  • Representative from Desert Technologies , KSA
  • Representative, Qatar Solar Technologies , QATAR
  • Mr. Ahmad Ismail, Electricity Investor, IRAQ
  • Mr. Saadi Wuhayb, Electricity Investor, IRAQ
  • Mr.  Nael Mithat Ismail, Director General, National Investment Authority, IRAQ    


Suggested Moderator

  • Dr. Mustafa Al Jaboori, Ambassador of Embassy of Iraq in the UAE &  Representative of IRENA


12:15 – 13:15     Panel Discussion    

Construction, Infrastructure & Housing Opportunities    

As regional economies recover from the pandemic, there has been emphasis on the recovery of material costs and stretched supply chains. This session highlights growth in mixed-use projects along with real estate opportunities presented across the GCC. This will underpin a regional push to build sustainable infrastructure for the future.      


Suggested Speakers

H.E Sameer Abdulla Nass, Chairman, Bahrain Chamber of Commerce, BAHRIAN

Mr. Mohamed Ali Alabbar, Chairman, Emaar, UAE

Representative, Ministry of Planning, IRAQ

Representative, Ministry of Construction & Housing, IRAQ

Mr. Nael Mithat Ismail, Director General, National Investment Authority, IRAQ


Suggested Moderator

H.E. Mr. Ahmad Mohamad Al Mohamad, Secretary General, GOIC


13:15 – 13:30    Closing Remarks and End of Day One

13:30 – 14:30     Networking Lunch for VIPs and delegates

14:30 – 17:30   B2B Meeting Program Continues

20:00 – 22:00    Networking Gala Dinner Program (by invitation only)




Day Three Program

The Breakdown

27 September, 2023

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions


11:15 – 12:15     Presentations & Panel Discussions

Youth development, higher education and vocational training    

This panel discussion looks at different ways the GCC and Iraq can collaborate in the field of academics, capacity building, and skills development. The session will explore how youth development and education systems, higher education, vocational training is changing in response to challenges faced by a growing population.    


Suggested speakers

  • Dr. Samah Al Fatlawi, Head of Supervisory Authority & Scientific Research, Ministry of Higher Education, IRAQ
  • Dr. Hussain Ali Hamid, Director General of Private Education, Ministry of Education, IRAQ
  • Prof. Dr. Hamed Al Nuaimi, Dean, University of Sharjah, UAE
  • Representative from the Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad University, KSA    


Suggested Moderator

  • Dr. Arif Sultan Al Hamad, Executive Vice President of Khalifa University, UAE


12:15-12:30     Closing remarks by the Host

12:30-14:30      Networking Lunch


10: 00 - 11:15  Opening of Jewelry Expo at Expo Centre Sharjah

11:15 – 12:15  Panel Discussion

Opportunities in the healthcare sector, medicine and medical equipment  

The session highlights opportunities in providing healthcare and delivering patient care while showcasing thought-leadership in the most-cost effective and latest medical practices aligned with delivering innovative healthcare technology. In light of the pandemic speakers will highlight the latest developments in improving the quality of life of millions by revitalizing patient care and healthcare delivery.  

Suggested Speakers

  • H.E. Sulaiman bin Saleh Al-Dakhil, Director General of the Health Council for the Cooperation Council States
  • Representative from the Ministry of Health and Prevention, UAE
  • Dr. Sufian Rajab Hassan, Biomedic, IRAQ
  • Dr. Rafaa Al Raw, Chairman of Hospitals,  IRAQ
  • Representative from the Ministry of Health IRAQ


Suggested Moderator

Dr. Emad Abdulaziz Al Thukair,  CEO, The Care Group, KSA